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Saturday Scoop 8.3.19 My Emotions Get Me Off Track; Ideas to Help!
Many, many people eat in response to emotions, whether or not they realize it in the moment. We eat for lots of different emotions –...

Saturday Scoop 7.27.19 Cooking with Summer Vegetables
Most of us have heard to “eat seasonally,” but, what vegetables are “in season,” and why does it matter? Matthew D'Aria, RD will cover...

Saturday Scoop 7.20.19 Cooking With Vegetables: Oodles of (Veggie) Noodles
Vegetables are good for you...but getting your daily dose can be difficult! Matthew D'Aria RD, will introduce you to a fun and easy way...

Saturday Scoop 7.13.19; Summer Strength Series Part III: Go Slow
Often-times we speed through our workouts to get them over with. Slowing down your movements can guarantee maximum benefit from EACH...

Saturday Scoop 6.29.19; Summer Strength Series Part II: Resistance Bands and Core
Resistance bands are inexpensive, easily portable...and confusing. They can also help you get a GREAT workout! In this week's Summer...

Saturday Scoop 6.22.19: Changing Challenging Eating Behaviors
We all have eating behaviors that get in the way of achieving our lifestyle change goals. Whether it’s skipping meals, emotional eating,...

Saturday Scoop 6.15.19; Summer Strength Series Part I: Bodyweight Basics
Did you know that you can build muscle mass and strength without using a single piece of exercise equipment? In this first installment...

Summer Strength Series (A Saturday Scoop Special)
Webster’s dictionary defines "strength training" as “activities that make muscles stronger.” Strength training is important for general...

Saturday Scoop 6/1/19: Spectacular Summer Smoothies
Temperatures are heating up, and our taste buds need cooling down. This past Saturday, Lauren Trocchio RD made four different smoothies...

Saturday Scoop 6/8/19 Urge Surfing: Help With Not Giving into Old Habits
What is "urge surfing?" Whether applied to overeating, substance abuse, or other unhealthy behaviors, the idea of “urge surfing”...
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